Home Koncert Stengade Summons + Special Guests: Melan Tropic

Summons + Special Guests: Melan Tropic

Summons + Special Guests: Melan Tropic


Summons er tilbage med storslået og intimt alt-rock og de gæster Stengade sammen med Melan Tropic som byder op til 80’er-inspireret synth pop d. 09 november! 

After many years of hiatus, reformed Danish band SUMMONS returns with the EP ‘Past is Now Now is Past’, which in its both grandiose and intimate alt-rock compositions explores personal fragments of the past and how they are seen, understood, and felt now, so many years later.

SUMMONS was originally formed in 1990 during the members’ early teenage years, and until its dissolution in 1997, the band recorded five EPs and played numerous concerts. After the band disbanded, the friendships persisted over the years, while the members pursued various and diverse musical expressions and paths through life.

During a shared trip to Moen in November 2022, two new songs emerged almost out of nowhere, unexpectedly and effortlessly, as if no time had passed since then. As the new music was realized in a rehearsal space, more songs arose, leading to a situation that none of those involved had quite anticipated – the desire and urge to be a band again.

Out of this renewed inspiration, a total of five songs were born, now constituting ‘Past is Now Now is Past’. All the EP’s tracks have a distinctive melodiousness, melancholy, and exploratory nature at their core, with forays into more ambient and dreamy soundscapes, as in ‘Water’, where SUMMONS delves deep into a captivating and undiscovered underworld.

‘Past is Now Now is Past’ was recorded live in the studio in collaboration with producer Morten Bue (Diefenbach, Figurines, I Got You On Tape a.o.). Bue captured SUMMONS’ energy as a rock band as well as the nuances of the songwriting, creating a resonant, dynamic expression staying true to the band’s desire to create an EP that one can feel and be moved by.

The EP’s lyrics are built on fragments of memories from the past seen through the existential prism of the now-adult individual. The five band members shared a childhood and youth, and in the present, all these experiences come together in a unified artistic expression simultaneously retrospective and forward-looking, as illustrated in the EP’s ambiguous title.

https://www.youtube.com/@SummonsdkMelan Tropic:
MELAN TROPIC is a new 80s-inspired synth pop duo from Denmark. Formed in 2020, Klaus Pelle and Morten Grønnegaard grew up together during the 80s, in the suburb Rønne Syd, on the small island of Bornholm. Their friendship flourished at high school, built on a shared love of movies, comics, illustration and music. Since those halcyon days, a lot has happened, but despite the many obstacles of adulthood, the two always found their way back together.

MELAN TROPIC release their debut EP ‘Melantropi’ on September 9, 2022. This collaboration originally started as a hobby, mostly as an excuse to spend more time together. But the two quickly grew more ambitious, with music informed and fuelled by an ongoing fascination of the 80s pop culture that influenced their formative years together. Experienced musician Grønnegaard crafted composition and instrumentation, while Pelle took on the role of lead singer and lyricist.

Across the EP’s six tracks, MELAN TROPIC strikes an authentic 80s sound, both in melodies and songwriting, where pop hooks, bold production and challenging lyrical content go hand in hand.

The duo ignores the typically forbidden tropes of the 90s music they also grew up with, instead reaching back to an earlier time when reverb, gated drums and massive guitar solos were celebrated to the full. Inspired by Tears for Fears, Ultravox, Mr. Mister and 80s soundtracks, as well as contemporary synth bands like Drab Majesty and Gunship, MELAN TROPIC create music that is both vibrant and personal. Morten says:

“Our music has its origins in 80s pop culture – a culture we were part of back in the day. Part of what drives us is a search for how things used to be. The melancholy pulls at us, as it does to so many others, as we get older and try to define the men we have become. Hence MELAN. The name was actually MELANTROPI at first, but when the music started to develop it was clear that there was also a more positive and celebratory vibe present. That’s why tropi became TROPIC!”

At the center are the Danish lyrics, but not used ironically, nor mocking the superficiality of the 80s. Pelle’s lyrics are serious, reflecting pain and a measured splash of satire. They are from the adult male perspective and driven by the deep personal experiences the duo shared throughout their long friendship – from ecstatic joy to almost indescribable sorrow. MELAN TROPIC is the sound of yesterday, revitalized today by people who were there back then and are here still. These are songs about the impact of days gone, seen and heard with the eyes and ears of today, and with eternal love for a golden musical era that still endures.

Entry: 140 kr in pre-sale / 160 kr at the door! 


Spillestedet Stengade is a progressive user-driven music venue in the middle of Nørrebro in Copenhagen. The music profile at Spillestedet Stengade is diverse – often based on the local underground but also with a large number of international artists.

The house’s many dedicated volunteers are the absolute lifeblood of Stengade, who run our approx. 200 concert events per year. Without them there wouldn’t be any shows!


Spillestedet Stengade, Stengade 18, 2200 København


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