Home Humanity Humanity’s Last Breath + Signs Of the Swarm + Support:...

Humanity’s Last Breath [SE] + Signs Of the Swarm [US] + Support: Hanging The Nihilist


Efter aflysning af deres koncert i 2022 på Stengade grundet covid og nu når Prime Fest er blevet aflyst prøver vi en sidste gang. Humanity’s Last Breath rammer Stengade d. 13 august med Signs Of the Swarm samt support fra Hanging The Nihilist til en aften af deathcore.

Humanity’s Last Breath:
Humanity’s Last Breath is a Swedish progressive metal band from Helsingborg. Formed in 2009 by Vildhjarta drummer Buster Odeholm, the music of Humanity’s Last Breath is characterized by exceedingly downtuned guitars, pitch-shifted dissonants and highly syncopated rhythms. Their debut EP Reanimated by Hate published in 2010 was characterized by a more standard deathcore sound, which has since evolved into a distinguished blend of blackened death metal and djent through following releases. 


Signs Of the Swarm:
Deathcore was once dismissed as a trend, so it’s ironic that it now has trends within itself. Downtempo, slamming and now blackened variants of the style have dominated its scene at various points, with many bands jumping ship. 
 Pittsburgh’s Signs of the Swarm aren’t just any band, though. They’re a once-a-generation beacon that radiates the sounds that surrounded them, preserving history by reframing it. On fourth LP Absolvere, they’re bleak without being blackened, smashing without being slam, and downtempo as a choice rather than a stylistic confine. And as many of their deathcore peers experiment with adding singing, often gruff in tone, they add a more ethereal style that soothes on “Dreaming Desecration” and “Death Whistle.” 
 The band contrasts that with some of the most brutal moments in their eight-year career, with riffs more punishing than pensive and a rhythm section that frames them in creatively cacophonic ways. Above it all, they’re utilizing vocalist David Simonich monstrous range in a much fuller capacity than on his debut, 2019’s Vital Deprivation. 
 That transitional album found the band experimenting to re-find their footing, which here lands on solid ground through the addition of guitarist Jeff Russo, a former bandmate of Simonich’s fin Improvidence. The proof is in the placing, with Absolvere landing at #15 on “Current Hard Music Albums,” #21 on “Top New Artist Albums” and #139 on “Heatseekers.” … 
 ~ via Bradley Zorgdrager


+ Support: To The Grave
Med deres debutplade ‘Prophetic Blasphemy’ holder det danske deathcore-fænomen, Hanging The Nihilist, intet tilbage i deres moderne og nuancerede bud på, hvordan man får metalpublikummet op af stolene. Fyldt med tonstunge breakdowns, der kunne få betonen på Copenhell til at sprække, i tæt samspil med halsbrækkende hurtige tempoer og et komplet symfonisk lydbillede, viser albummet hvordan ekstremmetal tager sig bedst ud. Man hører hurtigt, hvor vidtrækkende inspirationerne til pladen er, når groovy slams bliver afløst af blacked kaos og teatralske motiver

Sekstetten fylder ikke bare scenen rent fysisk med det store mandskab, men også med deres dynamiske optræden, der lægger op til faretruende moshpits og pandeskaller rettet direkte mod det straffende gulv.

Entry: 165 kr in pre-sale / 180 kr at the door! 


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