Home Snapped Snapped Ankles + Support: Catcase

Snapped Ankles [UK] + Support: Catcase

Snapped Ankles [UK] + Support: Catcase

Det bliver unik aften når art-rockerner i Snapped Ankles besøger Danmark for første gang me deres performance art! Med deres susede hvid støj og post-punk vinkler fremkalder de et lydangreb på hjemmelavede log-synths, elektriske guitarer og pinde, der slår helvede løs på stram dyrehud. 

Snapped Ankles: 
They came from the trees.

Now settled in fertile east London, Snapped Ankles maintain the feral energy of the forest. Fight or flight. Primal motorik rhythms, the rush of white noise and post-punk angles; an aural onslaught played out on homemade log synths, electrified guitars and sticks beating hell on taut animal skin.

Snapped Ankles have flourished in the sub-tropical climes of warehouse and squat parties, moving onto performance art collaborations with filmmakers and shows in unlikely locations such as barber shops, games arcades and the forests they once called home. They plough a singular furrow at improbable angles. The woodwose have discovered electricity and they’re not afraid to use it.


+ Support: Catcase
Catcase is a new project started by Lasse B. Beck. Its poppy, emotional and raw.———————————————————————-
Entry: 125 kr (limited amount early bird on sale until 21st of march or sold out) / 150 kr normal pre-sale / 170 kr at the door.


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